Bam. November has hit, and the beards are starting to grow. Why has the facial hair suddenly sprouted? Why, it’s No-Shave November!
So what is No-Shave November? This event was created in 2009 to raise cancer awareness, following October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness month. No-Shave November is now used to raise awareness about prostate cancer.
Why do people participate in this event?
“Cause I don’t like to shave. It’s the one point in the year I don’t have to shave. And it’s fun,” Wenatchee High School history teacher Brandon Harle said.
“I was doing a drama at church that required me to have a beard, and I thought ‘why not?’ ” Wenatchee High School art teacher Don Collins said.
Can the school expect good support for this cause this year? Well, there will be at least one new beard gracing the hallways of the high school this year.
“I think I will [participate in No-Shave November this year], but this will be my first time. I’ve never done it, and it might be fun,” Wenatchee High School English teacher Dave Carlson said.
So, men of WHS, show your support for cancer awareness, and start growing those beards today.
“It’s something to make connections with students, and it’s a chance to support a good cause. My dad had prostate cancer, so this is a good chance to raise awareness,” Wenatchee High School Vice Principal Ricardo Iniguez said.