ASB films first ever school-wide lip dub

Premiere set for late May

Moses Lurbur, People Editor

After hours of confetti tossing, vigorous sign waving, and footsteps thundering down the halls, the Wenatchee High School lip dub is over; the confetti has been cleaned up and the signs stored. But Assistant Principal Dave Perkins still feels the energy in the halls.

“I think it was a boost that everybody needed this time of year. I think that a lot of people are tired from academics, sports, and things like that. It was a good boost to push us through the last six weeks of the school year,” Perkins said.

A lip dub features all clubs, groups, sports, and staff and is filmed in one consecutive shot to showcase all of the activities at a high school.

Click here to view McKinney High School’s 2012 lip dub video.

Senior Analise Nelson

The planning of the lip dub began in early March. Co-Directors, seniors Bryce Newberry and Analise Nelson, were in charge of the planning. They held meetings with the lip syncers and other planners prior to filming. The main challenge that both Newberry and Nelson faced was communication.

“The most difficult part was definitely communication. I don’t know how anyone in this school communicates with everyone to make sure everyone is on the same page. It was chaotic, but people still got to the gym on time and that’s what mattered. It was a lot of work, but it was all worth it,” Newberry said.

The coordinators also met some resistance from teachers who wanted to continue their teaching through the lip dub.

“There were some teachers who definitely came out like: ‘Can we continue teaching class during that time if the students don’t want to participate?’” Nelson said.

Senior Bryce Newberry

The act of filming the lip dub was no easy task, senior videographer and editor Luke Strahm.

“I was walking backwards the entire time, carrying the camera the whole way through. It weighed like 20 or 30 pounds,” Strahm said. “[The hardest part was] having to keep [the camera] balanced and not trip over anything.”

Nelson and Newberry will see the lip dub tomorrow before it goes to administration for approval on Friday. On May 4, the coordinators and lip syncers will see the video. On May 29, there will be an end-of-the-year video assembly, and the lip dub will be shown to the entire school. The video is currently in the final stages of editing by Strahm.

Both the coordinators and the administration were impressed by the level of enthusiasm and school participation during the lip dub.

“I think the lib dub’s a great way to show school pride and school spirit, and I was so incredibly impressed with how many students got involved. It was just A-plus awesome,” Principal Bob Celebrezze said. “People are proud of WHS and that just shows one more example of why their proud.”