Buff puff teams anticipate the outcome for upcoming tournament

“Unprotected Sets” buff puff team

As the year turns around to Homecoming time again, Wenatchee High School sees many of its traditions popping up — especially the sport Buff Puff. Though what many people don’t know is that within these sports there are several customs between the players and teams.

For example, one of the senior teams this year named Unprotected Sets, is still comprised of basically the same team members as freshman year, and they’ve played every year since.

“Though we have added and subtracted a few people, we still have around the same base players,” senior Jacob Prater said.

Regarding the actual playing, senior Brady Kuntz said, “We don’t practice at all, we just show up and win.”

In past years, the Unprotected Sets haven’t won the Buff Puff tournament yet, though they blame this on the fact that the senior team always beats them out. Now that they are the senior team, they’re determined to make a difference.

“We hadn’t been doing too hot before, but this year is going to be different,” senior Izzy Garcia said.

Their coach, senior Amira Chandler, agrees that her team looks strong this year, being all comprised of athletic boys. She is a varsity volleyball player herself and believes that she will teach them how to knock down the competition.

When asked to leave a message for all the other Buff Puff competitors, Chandler said, “Be ready for my boys to shove it down your throat.”

Unprotected Sets’ tough competition this year includes The Empire Spikes Back, another senior team that has only switched out one player since starting freshman year. When asked if they think they will take home the championship, senior Chris Trussel, said “Oh yeah. Definitely.”

The defending champions from last year will be coming back with a new team name: The Malibu Crew.  Unprotected Sets team members specifically called out junior Gavin Long, a member on The Malibu Crew, saying, “We’re coming for you and the only reason you won last year was because of Austen Lane.”

Gavin replied to this by saying “Well Austen Lane is still on our team this year. We’re not worried about you guys, you’re all talk, and I’m not sure any team can stand up to us — it should be an easy back-to-back championship.” He concluded by adding, “Bring it on — ball is life.”