Celebrezze reschedules Prom to original date

Evie Hyde, Sports Editor

Don’t rearrange Prom plans just yet — it was moved back to its original date of May 30 by Wenatchee High School Principal Bob Celebrezze today, after two meetings with senior class president Andy Johnson.

WHS Principal Bob Celebrezze

Johnson, who was upset about the switch to April 25, met with Celebrezze yesterday, and Celebrezze asked him to send a letter of complaint. Celebrezze and Johnson met again this morning around 8:30 a.m. along with senior ASB president Luke Carlson, senior treasurer Jackson Powell, and junior secretary Sean Kelley. During this meeting, Celebrezze began to “investigate the opportunity to move [Prom] back,” Celebrezze said. “I made the decision to do so and I moved it back.”

“I felt like I was appeased [at the meeting],” Johnson said. “We talked for a long time, tossed around ideas. I felt like [Celebrezze] listened to me, he was very respectful and considered everything I had to say.”

Celebrezze said he was “not even a little bit” upset with moving the date back.

“I would say that I really valued Andy’s approach,” Celebrezze said. “It was thought-provoking.”

Senior class president Andy Johnson

Steps have already been taken to solidify the move. Celebrezze renegotiated the contract with the Town Toyota Center, made sure the venue was available on May 30, contacted Superintendent Brian Flones and Deputy Superintendent Jon DeJong, and sent an email to WHS faculty this afternoon. There will also be an autocall to parents, an update to the website, and an announcement tomorrow morning, Celebrezze said.

“My concern [with Prom on May 30] is still the same concern,” Celebrezze said. “I think from a fairness perspective, I really like changing it back to May 30. This particular senior class has already lost commencement in the Apple Bowl through no one’s fault, and I feel that they feel a little slighted so I think they’re going to be happy, and people being happy, including students, makes me happy.”

“I’m happy that Prom is moved back,” Johnson said. “I feel like that will satisfy the wants of the senior class.”