Class senate positions announced for the 2015-16 schools year

Jackson Powell, Staff Reporter

The elections for the 2015-16 ASB senate are complete. The current freshman, sophomore and junior classes voted in their classes on Friday, May 29.

For the senior class, juniors Kori Martin, Dalton Sugg, Julia Jobe, John Kottkamp, and Sean Kelley were elected. For the class president, interviews will be held this week to determine who holds that position.

Senior Josey Meats

For the junior class, Kyle Turner, Karli Kuntz, Lizbeth Valencia, Marcus Garcia, and Rowan Parmenter were elected, with Parmenter being selected president following the interview process.

For next year’s sophomores, Lilly Bollinger, Jessica Murray, Joe Celebrezze, Yazmina Quazi, and Greta Wiersma were elected, with the president position to be determined, according to senior ASB Vice President Josey Meats.

The sophomore and senior senate presidents will be announced Thursday, June 4 after interviews have taken place.