Coming soon: Interact Club video to promote motto
March 4, 2015
Synergy is the coming together as one and making a difference in people’s lives. Interact Club joins forces with two students of Wenatchee High School, seniors Gabe Massey and Jackson Powell, who created a rap song to get the club’s message out.

“Interact Club is the youth version of Rotary Club, it’s a community service club and our motto is ‘Service Over Self’,” Interact Club adviser Jon Magnus said. “The message is there are people out there that are homeless and a group of high school students can come together with a common objective to put a roof over someone’s head.”
As the process began, the club joined joined together for one of their Thursday meetings and wrote down ideas for the video. The students put their visual ideas onto paper and submitted them to junior Jaxton Wilson. Wilson will be producing the video with Interact Club at a house that Habitat for Humanity constructed for families. They also have another experienced person helping them out make this video come to life.

“We are having consulting help from Charley Voorhis, he made the We Are Wenatchee video and he’s going to give us some tips,” Magnus said.
This video will influence people and inspire them to get involved and help donate for this cause Magnus had explained. Interact Club is trying to raise more money for Habitat for Humanity, which builds houses for people who need the shelter.
Interact Club suggested that Massey and Powell create the rap for them and gave them some ideas for what they wanted to hear. The rap song was created at Massey’s house.
“I came up with the instrumental for it and then Jackson sent in the lyrics for the rap part. I had an idea for it so I could mold the song around that. He came over and recorded it and I finished it up and sent it to Mr. Magnus,” Massey said.

The video and rap won’t be out for another five to six weeks. Wilson will be planning out the video for the information soon, but the dates aren’t available yet.
“I’m happy I can help people and the song can appeal to a mass audience,” Massey said.