Enjoying life despite obstacles
Gavin Zufall lives a regular life despite illness
Gavin Zufall stands in front of the welcome poster he received along with many other things during his trip to Seattle. He was invited there after being selected to participate in the Make-A-Wish program. The program grants the wishes of children diagnosed with life-threatening diseases. Zufall met the Seahawks players, went to the zoo, and the Space Needle.
He’s friendly and funny. He loves to give and receive high-fives. He has a smile that can light up an entire room, especially when you mention the Seahawks. His name is Gavin Zufall, and his adventures are just beginning.
Zufall, a sophomore, had the opportunity of experiencing the Make-A-Wish program. The program grants a wish of a child diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition in the United States and its territories, on average, every 38 minutes.
Zufall and his family are holding strong through adversity. Zufall has cystic fibrosis and is developmentally delayed, which causes his body trouble in absorbing fats and proteins essential to the body.
“He needs medication to get all the nutrients he needs,” said his mother, Karen Davenport.
That, however, does not affect Zufall’s fun times at school, where he enjoys playing basketball in P.E. and in the outside world. He also watches sports and plays video games.
The Make-A-Wish organizers believe that a wish experience can be a game-changer. It inspires them to grant wishes that change the lives of the kids they serve.
“It’s for kids with life-threatening disorders — they either get to meet someone, go somewhere, or have something,” said Davenport. “It’s an experience we won’t ever forget.”
Zufall’s wish was to meet the Seattle Seahawks team, but he did much more than that.
“We all left around noon on an airplane from the Wenatchee airport,” Davenport said. “When we got there, people from Make-A-Wish were waiting for us with a sign. It had Zufall’s name and the Seahawks logo all over it.”
The family arrived at the football stadium, where Zufall met quarterback Russell Wilson and other members of the Seahawks. He received autographed, professionally taken photos of the players in action, an autographed football (signed by all the Seahawks players), and watched the team warm up. He also has a football locker in the locker room, the name Gavin Zufall engraved on it, right next to Wilson’s. Jim Zorn, Dave Craig (both former Seahawk quarterbacks) and Taima, the Seahawks mascot, were all introduced to Zufall.
Then, Zufall and his family had prime seats to watch the Seahawks play their first game.
“The game and the practice and the players were awesome!” said Zufall, smiling his big, shy smile.
After the game, the entire family was treated by Make-A-Wish to the Seattle Aquarium, the Space Needle for a splendid dinner, and a limo ride to-and-fro.
“It was so much fun, for us and for Gavin, and we’re so happy we could go and grateful to Make- A-Wish,” said Davenport.
The Make-A-Wish program helped change Zufall’s life — it made a wish of his come true and included his family in his special day.
“It’s so big, I don’t know how we’ll fit it on the wall of his room!” said his sister, Brenna Zufall, holding up a ‘Welcome Gavin!’ sign, a gift from the Seahawks. “He sure loves it though.”
“He’s fun to be around,” said Davenport. “He always makes me smile.”
Next time you pass Zufall in the hallway, yell “Seahawks!” and his reaction and beaming grin will make you smile, too.