FFA and FBLA competition seasons heat up

Madi Morrison, Staff Reporter

The Wenatchee High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) had multiple first-place wins at their most recent conference sending 10 students to State in Spokane from April 15-17. The Future Farmers of America (FFA) also had high placements at their sub-districts competition on March 12.

The FFA sub-district competition included three categories. Six freshmen students competed in the Novice Parli component and placed fourth. The students met everyday after school and during break to memorize opening and closing ceremonies, motions, rituals, and other aspects of running a meeting.

An important part of this is learning to “argue properly,” freshman Oscar Mendoza said. Senior Bethany Symonds received fifth place in Extemporaneous Speaking in which the student chooses from three topics and then writes and presents a four to six minute speech. Senior Lupita Torres participated in Public Speaking, a category that requires the student to prepare a six to eight minute speech beforehand. FFA adviser Beth Hammerberg was happy with how the competition went.

FFA Adviser Beth Hammerberg

“Kids came prepared and were excited and enthusiastic,” Hammerberg said.

The WHS FFA is now preparing for their districts competition coming up on April 22.

14 students competed in the FBLA North Central Regional Winter Conference on Feb. 18 and 10 students qualified for State. According to head adviser Jeffrey Leavitt, the competition went “really well”. Students were assessed on job interviews, cover letters, and resumes as well as other categories like Web Design or Impromptu Speaking.

The team held its own against tough competitors like Ellensburg, Eastmont, Chelan, and Cashmere and eight students received first place in their respective categories.

Placing first at the conference were senior Tony Lozano in Computer Applications, senior Joanna Avila and junior Israel Sixto in Digital Design and Promotion, junior Mary Smith in Healthcare Administration, senior Eduardo Ramos in Public Service Announcement, senior Teresa Bendito in Impromptu Speaking, freshman Jazmin Medrano and Sixto in Web Design. Placing second were senior Janeth Laurel in Cyber Security and Tony Lozano in Future Business Leader. Placing third were Tony Lozano in Business Presentation, Avila in Graphic Design, sophomore Austin Lozano in Intro to Technology, senior Seleni DeJesus, Avila, and Ramos in Marketing.

“[The State conference] is in Spokane, it’s going to be awesome,” she said. “I’m pretty confident in myself. I’m confident in the other team members as well.”