Golden Apple Band wins sweepstakes award at final competition
November 9, 2016
The Golden Apple Band dominated its final competition of the season in Auburn last Saturday. Competing in parade and field show, the band took first place in both categories, winning their triple A division and the sweepstakes award for the entire competition.

The band also took home caption awards for best marching, best general effect, best music and best percussion.
Senior clarinet section leader Maddy Lalanne was thrilled to conclude her marching band career on such a high note and recalled the heightened emotional experience that the win brought.
“While we were standing at retreat [awards] …I saw Lisa throw her hands in the air and say ‘that’s it! We got it [sweepstakes].’ I started crying. Since I was one of the ones to call the band to attention and parade rest when they called us for sweeps, I saw [senior flute section leader] Christina from across the ranks with tears streaming down her face. It was such a great ending to my competition career. It was amazing.”
Senior percussionist Andrew Schmidt was grateful for the relationships he was able to build throughout his years in band.
“At the beginning it was about establishing family,” he said. “In the end, regardless of the results, we’re a family. Our success last weekend was just a result of how close we are.”