Meet the Apple Blossom top 10 of WHS
Apple Blossom Top 10 back row: Emma Standerford (EHS), Kelly Strang (EHS), Sarah Kneadler (EHS), Maddy Atwood (WHS), Haley Bush (WHS) Front row: Logan Harper (EHS), Francesca Nevil (WHS), Sierra Hedding (WHS), Anissa Sangster (EHS), Gabby Waterman (WHS)
January 22, 2015
Sierra Hedding
Q: Why are you running for Apple Blossom?
A: I love the Apple Blossom pageant and the opportunity to get involved in the community. I think it’s just a fun and great opportunity.

Q: What quality do you admire most in others?
A: I admire honesty. I admire spunkiness; I really like it when people can just be themselves.
Q: What is your best memory/experience of high school?
A: My sophomore year when I participated in The Phantom of the Opera, and I got to play in the pit. I remember just a very brief moment when I looked up onto the stage and saw the actors — just inspiration and pure happiness.
Q: Where is your favorite place to go off campus?
A: If it’s one of those tired days; Dutch Bros. If not I just like to go home and relax.
Q: Fill in the blank: After a bad day, ________ always cheers me up.
A: Violin. I love playing my violin; I’ve been playing for nine years now.
Q: If you could be any Disney princess who would you be?
A: Jasmine or Pocahontas. Pocahontas because I have a Native American heritage, Jasmine just because I think she’s gorgeous.
Francesca Nevil

Q: Why are you running for Apple Blossom?
A: This has always been a passion of mine since I was a little girl. I used to be one of those girls that would run around and collect the little Apple Blossom cards. I think it’s just a great opportunity to really serve and give back to this community that I grew up in. I want to be a role model to young girls to show them confidence and what it is to follow your dreams and just really stand up for what you believe in.
Q: What quality do you admire most in others?
A: Staying true to who you are regardless of who it is. Especially at our age it’s so easy to waver because we’re influenced by so many different things.
Q: What is your best memory/experience of high school?
A: Rather than it being one main event, the best experiences would be all the little events throughout my four years here. Just getting to know people on the side and those little interactions; they’re small and seemingly insignificant, but I think those are what make the difference in life.
Q: Where is your favorite place to go off campus?
A: Getting outdoors. Getting out in the hills, that’s definitely one of my favorite places to be. I love going up around Mission Ridge. It’s a great place to think and really reflect on life.
Q: Fill in the blank: After a bad day, ________ always cheers me up.
A: Just sitting and finding time with myself and just trying to find peace there.
Q: If you could be any Disney princess who would you be?
A: I would be Meredith from Brave. She is a very confident woman, and she’s just out there for adventure, and she differs from other princesses, but she’s still awesome.
Haley Bush

Q: Why are you running for Apple Blossom?
A: I’m running for Apple Blossom because I want to prove a point. A lot of people thought that I couldn’t do it, and that it wasn’t for me. So I want to prove them wrong.
Q: What quality do you admire most in others?
A: I admire honesty. Honesty is really important to me, and I like it when people just tell me what’s real.
Q: What is your best memory/experience of high school?
A: Every time I hang out with my friends.
Q: Where is your favorite place to go off campus?
A: Cafe Rio. I always go there for lunch because the pork salad is so good.
Q: Fill in the blank: After a bad day,________ always cheers me up.
A: Listening to music always cheers me up.
Q: If you could be any Disney princess who would you be?
A: If it had to be a princess I would choose Ariel, but I would rather choose Ursula because I have always liked her.
Maddy Atwood

Q: Why are you running for Apple Blossom?
A: It’s a good chance to represent the community, also it’s a good chance to win scholarship money, and plus I’ve always looked up to the girls so it’s always been kinda a dream.
Q: What do you admire most in others?
A: I admire honesty and respect and being friendly towards other people around them.
Q: What is your best memory/experience in high school?
A: I think it is probably playing Annie Sullivan in the drama production of The Miracle Worker. It was a very complex character, and I was glad to take on that role. We got to perform it for the fifth graders in the valley.
Q: Where is your favorite place to go off campus?
A: Home, because thats where I feel the most comfortable and that’s where my family is. It’s my most relaxing place to be.
Q: Fill in the blank: After a bad day, ______ always cheers me up.
A: Singing or dancing.
Q: If you could be any Disney Princess, you would be?
A: Snow White, because I think I look most like her, and she was the first Disney princess, and she kind of paved the way for the others to follow. I’ve had the answer to this question actually planned out in my head forever.
Gabby Waterman

Q: Why are you running for Apple Blossom?
A: I’m running because I think its going to be a fun experience. I think I’m a good person to represent the community and the values of Wenatchee.
Q: What do you admire most in others?
A: I admire honesty.
Q: What is your best memory/experience in high school?
A: Well I think the greatest thing we’ve accomplished in high school is when the girls soccer team made it to state for the first time.
Q: Where is your favorite place to go off campus?
A: I like to go to Mission Ridge or to Pybus Market.
Q: After a bad day, ______ always cheers me up.
A: My family and friends are always supportive after a bad day.
Q: If you could be any Disney Princess, you would be?
A: Oh, Rapunzel from Tangled, because she goes on a fun adventure outside her comfort zone and has a cute little sidekick.