OPINION: Class of 2014 senior prank lacks creativity
Editor-in-Chief Bridget Dowd
As I strolled back to my second period class in a sleep deprived state on Monday morning, I gazed out into the courtyard. Something woke me from my stupor.
I saw toilet paper coiled around tree branches, strewn from shrub to shrub, and tossed all over the grass. Who could miss the culprit’s name chalked all over the walls and walkways? The vandal was none other than the Class of 2014.
This seemingly minor and harmless senior prank lacked creativity and only made extra work for the maintenance staff.
Later in the day, I saw pictures of teachers’ rooms which had been completely rearranged and turned into chaotic piles of desks.
While this prank showed a little more imagination, as a senior, I have to say that WE CAN DO BETTER.
I don’t know about the rest of my class, but the best senior prank that I remember was when the Class of 2011 put an alpaca in the courtyard. It had all the key aspects of what a great senior prank should be: It gave everyone something to talk about, it wasn’t a HUGE distraction, it didn’t create a big mess to clean up, and it was adorable, inventive, and humorous.
I firmly believe that if we put our heads together, we can top that.
I’ve seen students in our class who have incredible talent which is not being utilized here. Do we really want the classes after us to remember the Class of 2014 as lame and unoriginal?
NO. We want them remember us as being legendary.
These pranks were clichéd, uninspired, overdone, and more of a nuisance than anything. So with less than 40 days to go before graduation, let’s step up our game and give the school something worth talking about.