Penelope Moore is a co- opinion editor for The Apple Leaf at Wenatchee High School.In her free time, she enjoys playing volleyball, hanging out with her friends and sleeping. She plays volleyball for her school, as well as for North Central Washington Volleyball Club. Many of her days are very long so she relies on coffee or energy drinks to keep herself awake. Her dutch bros order is either a medium red bull with orange and vanilla or an iced golden eagle. While outside of school, you can find her spending time with her family. Especially with her siblings, (yes all 7 of them). After highschool, she aspires to go to the University of Washington and study something. She doesn’t know what yet but get her a redbull and she might then. She is also always on her phone scrolling through tik tok and instagram. However, you can also reach her at @[email protected]
Penelope Moore
September 20, 2024