Picking up the signs of a crush

Britt Parkhill and Daniela Turner

Does he like you?

Instead of spending countless hours doing your pointless Twitter research and copious amounts of time in front of the mirror, I’ll make this easier for you. Here are a few tips to know if he really does like you.

  • Look at your social media: As a guy, we like to be quite shy when we like a girl. We love to favorite your tweets, subtweet about you, or like your pictures on Instagram. I know from personal experience that I would like my favorite pictures of a girl’s feed even if it was four months ago. Also, from personal experience, I would send a not-so- low-key subtweet that the girl would see. Please don’t see this as creepy; just accept that you’re on his mind.
  • Check your social cues: As low-key as you think we are, we really aren’t. You don’t have to be a genius to pick up if a guy is being extra nice to you. He might try to text or Snapchat you all the time. Or he might laugh at all of your jokes even when they are not funny. We like to show that we care, and girls appreciate that we are making an attempt.
  • He will want to be around you all the time: I know if I like a girl, I will want to try to be around her when ever I can. Look around, if a guy is always trying to hang out with you there is a very good chance he likes you.
Designed by Oscar Valencia


Now that you know that a guy might like you, here are some ideas on how to reel that guy in.

  • Act like you care: Guys love seeing that you care. For a guy, the most attractive thing a girl can do is care. Listen to the guy that you like, laugh at his jokes that aren’t funny. Go to his sporting events and other activities. Guys notice these things.
  • TEXT HIM FIRST: The biggest problem guys have with girls is texting first. Leave no doubt; text him first. All guys love that. Texting a guy first shows that you are thinking about him and also takes tons of stress off the guy. Chivalry is dead so don’t count on it. You are a strong, independent woman who doesn’t need to wait by your phone for a guy to text you.

Finally one tip for when a guy asks you to prom.

  • Have fun! Honestly, who cares who asks you to prom, have fun either way!

Does she like you?


  • Talks about you to her friends.
    Girls turn to their best friends for anything and everything, so if you’re even on her mind at all her friends will know about it. If you’d like to know what this girl thinks about you, subtly ask her closest friends if your name has come up in their conversation. If you get positive feedback about you from the people who know her the best, you’ll have your cue to continue pursuing this girl.
  • Texts you first sometimes.
    As much as I’d like to say our generation hasn’t conformed to the point where “who texts who first” will give you hints on if she’s really into you, it has. Guys, if you’ve been texting a girl first for a week straight without her doing it in return once, it may be time to give up. If a girl is really interested in you, she’ll do whatever it takes to try to start a conversation with you. Leave her hanging sometimes, and if she reacts, she just might like you.
  • Says yes to the movies, and doesn’t ask to bring a friend.
    Once you’ve gotten this girl’s attention and want to ask her out on a date, her reaction to your offer can explain a lot. Most girls don’t want to be mean and flat-out reject you, so pay attention to the signs she gives you. If she gives a reason of why she can’t go, it’s just an excuse because she doesn’t want to. If she offers to go with a few other friends, she may just see you as a friend. But if she gladly accepts your offer to go one-on-one, this could be a sign that she’s into you.
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  • Don’t be too clingy.
    Guys, just because you’ve now caught on to the fact that she likes you doesn’t give you the go-ahead to act too interested in her. Girls will be scared away at the sign of a guy who likes her too much, so be mysterious in order to keep her interested. Don’t always text her first, take time when replying to her, and don’t over-compliment her. While you’re still trying to get her to be your girlfriend, being a little confusing will just keep her on her toes and always wanting more.
  • Make the first move.
    Girls all know that sometimes a guy likes when we make the first move, but in all reality, that probably won’t happen. You already know she’s into you at this point, so don’t be afraid to go up and talk to her more often than usual. If you don’t take the next step, nothing will progress. Show interest in what she has to say, give her compliments, and ask her to hang out. From this point, the rest is up to you. Good luck!