Running Start enrollment increases dramatically
September 22, 2016
You may have noticed fewer students in some of your classes than in previous years, it could be a result of a drastic increase in students enrolled in Running Start at Wenatchee Valley college this year.
According to Wenatchee High School counselor, Will White, this is the largest Running Start class he has seen in his time working at WHS.

The increase in students enrolled in Running Start this year is substantial. The total number of running start students enrolled this year is 227. This includes those taking all their classes at WVC and those taking part of their classes at WVC and part at WHS. It is a major increase from last year’s 176 students who enrolled. Full-time Running Start enrollment has risen as well; last year there were 84 full time students enrolled and this year there are 100.
Running start offers an opportunity for WHS students to complete an Associated Arts degree while also completing high school. With an AA degree gained through Running Start, students are able to save money by completing two years of college for free. With the recent change last year in eliminating the requirement of taking the compass test, it is easier and more enticing for students to join running start. Students are currently able to use their SBAC state test scores that they take junior year as a placement for classes at WVC. According to White, counselors do not encourage students to join Running Start any more than they encourage students to challenge themselves by taking Advanced Placement classes or learn valuable skills by taking Tech Center classes.

Counselor Doug Taylor is the liaison for Running Start at WHS. He thinks a reason for the increase of students enrolling in Running Start is more parents are encouraging students to enroll due to the economics of saving money by completing two years of college for free. Another reason is that students see the value in the time saving aspect by completing two years of college while still attending and completing high school. The college offers a more diverse array of classes than WHS and Taylor thinks some students are ready for the “real world” aspects by taking skills classes and attending college two years sooner than other students.
WHS junior, Eathyn Geren says the most attractive aspect of Running Start is a free two year college tuition. He also likes the freedom given by the professors at WVC as he says they are much more relaxed than at WHS. Geren loves the aspect that he is killing two birds with one stone.
“I am getting out of the schooling system sooner and progressing my life quicker, building my future,” Geren said.