A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

Hailey Lamountain

Hailey Lamountain, Staff Reporter

Hailey Lamountain is a freshman at Wenatchee High School and a first-year reporter for the Apple Leaf. Hailey enjoys listening to music and reading when she feels like it. She also enjoys being with family and spending time with loved ones as much as she can. You will more than likely find her binge watching some of Timothee Chalamet’s movies since he’s great in everything he’s in, according to her. She enjoys exploring new topics and gaining a deeper understanding of the world around her. One of her main passions is music. She loves listening to Ed Sheeran, The Weeknd, Tory Lanez and a few other big artists. She also loves exploring different concepts and creative ways of writing. She claims it brings out her creativity and imagination. Hailey also enjoys traveling with her family and going on big trips. Her favorite place she’s been to is L.A or Las Vegas so far. If you have any questions for her or need to chat, her email is [email protected]

All content by Hailey Lamountain