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A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

Isa Arredondo

Isa Arredondo, Staff Reporter

Isa Arredondo is in her first year as a reporter for The Apple Leaf. She’s also in her first year of high school; that’s right, she’s a freshie. Isa is super excited to start off her high school career!  Outside of school, you’ll find Isa dancing, trying new foods (but sticking to chocolate forever), performing on stage, having tea, singing for no reason, daydreaming, doing art, at musical rehearsal, traveling and joining her friend Bailey White on water challenges. Isa is an extremely extroverted person, and she appreciates people who will stand up and dance with her spontaneously. She also loves hugs! So that’s the tea. You can contact Isa at

All content by Isa Arredondo