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A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

Arts & Entertainment Editor Josey Meats

Josey Meats, Staff Reporter

Josey Meats is the Arts and Entertainment Editor of The Apple Leaf newspaper for the 2014-15 school year. Josey is a senior at Wenatchee High School and was a staff reporter on The Apple Leaf during the spring semester of last year.

Josey is a film enthusiast, who is heavily involved in the ASB as the 2014-15 Vice President. Josey is also part of Drama Club and the Debate Team. Above all else, Josey finds writing and performing to be the driving passions in his life.

Josey sees journalism as a way to expand his writing skills. Plus, all the greats did it (Hemingway, Capote, Fitzgerald). He also likes the ‘just the facts’ way that journalism works. He believes the best stories are the true ones.

After high school Josey plans to attend Western Washington University and get his masters in Clinical Psychology and minor in the performing arts.

Josey can be contacted via email at:

All content by Josey Meats