Wenatchee bowling falls to Eastmont
January 11, 2017
The Wenatchee High School girls bowling team lost to Eastmont yesterday at Eastmont Lanes, with a final score of 4-1, despite a stand-out performance from junior Taylor Bitterman, roll her first game of over 200 with a score of 211.

Wenatchee bowled its first game with a score of more than 900, rolling a score of 914 during the second game. The Panthers and Wildcats also found themselves in the rare situation of a tie game, but Eastmont still pulled ahead with a total pin count of 2215 pins compared to Wenatchee’s score of 1923 pins.
High scores of the day were bowled by Bitterman, sophomore Holly Shipley with a high of 184, and senior Delaney Yant with a high of 173.