Wenatchee bowling powers past Davis

Sylvia Hwang, Sports Editor

A landslide victory was achieved by the Wenatchee girls bowling team over Davis yesterday afternoon, winning by a total of 394 pins. The Panthers scored 3-1 in their match hosted at Minda Lanes in Yakima.

Senior Delaney Yant

Senior Delaney Yant rolled a 212, the first 200 of the season for the Panthers, along with a 175. Sophomore Emilee Groth bowled a personal best by rolling a 180, and senior Noel Menzel followed close behind with a 175.

Wenatchee won all of the rounds of the match except for the first baker game. However, the second game was a highlight with the Panthers leading by 44 pins. As of now, the team averages approximately 760 pins per game. The team’s goal is to bump that number to 800 by the end of the season.

Wenatchee’s next game is Nov. 22 against Ellensburg at Eastmont Lanes.