Wenatchee bowling shuts down Moses Lake
December 9, 2016
The Wenatchee High School girls bowling team beat Moses Lake this afternoon at Lake Bowl, 3-1. This game marks the end of the first half of their season, putting Wenatchee’s league record at 4-2.

The Panthers didn’t start off well, falling behind down by 34 pins when they lost the first game 750-716. However, they made a strong comeback by pulling off a 104-pin increase in their second game due to collaborations between key players senior Delaney Yant, who bowled a high of 244, and sophomores Jessica Holbrook and Emilee Groth, who bowled highs of 176 and 151 respectively. Wenatchee was still down one pin at the end of the second game, but cemented their victory by 50 pins by winning the two Baker games.
Wenatchee will have two non-league meets over this weekend in Tacoma, and their next league meet is Dec. 13 versus Davis at Eastmont Lanes.