Wilson steps in for injured drum major, brings home best of category

Taylor Trainor, Staff Reporter

Prior to the Apple Blossom Festival and parade, senior Golden Apple Marching Band drum major Riley Rosser broke her leg when she tripped while jogging, and wasn’t able to participate in the competition. In her place, junior drum major Kevin Wilson stepped in for her to compete in the drum major category at the Apple Blossom parade May 2.

Luke Strahm
Junior Golden Apple Marching Band drum major Kevin Wilson leads the Wenatchee High School band down Wenatchee Avenue on Saturday, May 2 during the Apple Blossom Grand Parade.

Since the Wenatchee High School GA band could not participate in the band awards because of being the host band, it was all up to Wilson to bring home a win, and that is exactly what he did. The band won overall best drum major.

“I definitely felt prepared, we’ve been practicing together every Monday for two months,” Wilson said.

Practicing was of course a big part of the parade preparation, but Wilson’s biggest help came from Rosser.

“I had to do it alone since Riley broke her leg,” Wilson said. “But she was wheeling alongside me [in a wheelchair] the whole time giving great constructive criticism, which made me a lot more comfortable.”

Wilson is proud of the win and thankful that he got to be a big part of it.

Rosser was disappointed that she couldn’t be a bigger part of the parade this year, but that didn’t stop her in helping Wilson prepare, and be as involved as she could. “I couldn’t perform in the parade,” she said, “but I rolled along with them because I wanted to be with them and see how they did.”

Since this is Rosser’s senior year, this was her last time being able to perform in the Apple Blossom Parade with the WHS band.

“It was sad because this was my last chance to march, but Kevin did excellent. I know it must have been scary for him doing it alone as a junior,” Rosser said. “I wasn’t really surprised by our win because the WHS band has a lot of its strength in marching because of our discipline and great section leaders.”