Get to know the Panther quarterbacks

Kiana Wilson
Wenatchee High School junior and quarterback Brandon Graves finds his inspiration from Seattle Seahawks’ Russell Wilson.

Brandon Graves

After making an incredible play, junior quarterback Brandon Graves is helping fellow players up off their butts, giving them a nice smack on it, and sending them on their way down the field.

“I love the brotherhood of [football],” Graves said. “We bond.”

This year, Graves is the starting quarterback for the varsity football team. Graves wasn’t always interested in football, his parents were the ones who convinced him to play when he was in third grade. That is when he started playing with the North Central Washington Football League and stuck with it all the way up until he was in sixth grade. Graves volunteered to be the quarterback in seventh grade, loved it, and has wanted to stay in that position ever since.

Nowadays, Graves looks to Russell Wilson for inspiration when on and off the field, he thinks of him as a good role model and an overall awesome person.

“I really like his character and how well he carries himself,” Graves said.


Kiana Wilson
Sophomore Rowan Parmenter came to Wenatchee High School this year and is a quarterback for the Panther football team.

Rowan Parmenter

Looking down the field, sophomore Rowan Parmenter sees several open receivers, the one he chooses is all up to him and only him.

“I love how you get to make decisions and control the ball,” Parmenter said.

Parmenter is a backup quarterback for the varsity football team and he has been playing the sport for seven years. Parmenter likes to be with the team, and especially likes to interact with the coaches and players of the team. Being a quarterback helps Parmenter get his aggression out when it’s needed to be released.

For Parmenter’s inspiration on the field, he looks to Johnny Manziel, because he loves the way he plays, but off the field Parmenter sees Wilson for his attitude.

“I love Russell Wilson as a character and for his dedication but I love Johnny Manziel’s playing style,” Parmenter said.