Public displays of affection, yay or nay?


Staff Reporter Allison Flynn

The halls of Wenatchee High School are not the place you need to be sticking your tongue down your boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s throat. Period. I don’t care how “in love” you may be, nobody else needs or wants to see that.

For those of you who are in a high school relationship, don’t take what I’m saying the wrong way. There’s nothing wrong with pursuing a relationship in high school, but maybe you can go about it in a way that isn’t so disturbing to those who aren’t. You can still walk your “boo thang” to their classes while holding their hand, no problem. It’s when you start getting close to second base that a problem arises.

Now, to the students who prefer the single lifestyle, when certain couples decide to totally disregard your feelings about PDA, I find it best to just ignore their existence in the hall. Keep looking forward and chances are you won’t catch a glimpse of their make out session while trying to get to your second-period English class.