Staff editorial


The Apple Leaf Editorial Board, Editors

   This Sunday, an editorial column was published in The Wenatchee World discussing the sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The article was immediately met with backlash within the community. The controversy sparked a conversation among our editorial team about the way sexual assault is often trivialized, especially when the either party is a minor.

During our conversation, one of our editors shared her first-hand experience with sexual assault. When she was 11 years old, she was raped. People were quick to doubt her, as there was a lack of physical evidence in her case. She recalled being asked about what she was wearing, how she felt about her rapist before the incident, and even if she wanted him to go to jail. Many people even accused her of lying or of overreacting.

Asking victims of sexual assault about the clothes they were wearing or about their prior relationship with their assailant lessens or removes the blame from the assailant or rapist and moves it to the victim. Whether the victims were wearing revealing clothes, no clothes, or a burqa from head to toe, it is not their fault that they were targeted and were assaulted by another person. Comparing their trauma to something like losing your car keys trivializes and demeans the victim’s experience.

   In the Kavanaugh case, in all upcoming cases and in any other sexual assault allegations that become public, it is important to remember to never blame the victim or diminish the importance of the event, regardless of your relationship with the alleged assailant. Withhold judgement until all facts are known. If you catch wind of sexual assault, talk to the victim and report the case to the proper trusted adult, such as your high school counselor or police officer.



The Apple Leaf Editorial Board

Bailey White, Gwen McQuaig, Hadassah Lurbur, Maegan Delvo, Mason Dalbeck, Morgan Narby, Sammy Arredondo, Sophia Dillon, Tara Dilly and Xavier Martinez