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A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

Jennifer Rodas

Jennifer Rodas, Staff Reporter

  Jennifer Rodas is a first-year staff member who always has a smile on her face, is a shoeaholic and is always positive. Jennifer has been interested in people’s ideas and what’s happening around her. Her enthusiasm is overwhelming, she loves eating all kinds of food, never says no to anyone and has such a warning heart towards others. Playing her violin for 4 years has brought out the best of her and her talents specially playing mariachi music, which has been her passion since she can remember.She is hoping to have a good time writing the newspaper and spending time to get to know all of her fellow classmates, she can be contacted at

All content by Jennifer Rodas