Linus Chen, Copy Editor
Linus Chen is a junior and is in his second year at The Apple Leaf. He is this year's head Copy Editor. Having grown weary of the tedious high school routine, Linus chose to escape the confines of the high school and enrolled in Running Start. Still, he begrudgingly returned to Apple Leaf this year as it'll look good on a college application. When he isn't counting the seconds till class is over or hiding from his responsibilities in his room, you'll probably find him fishing or struggling to work through his ever-expanding and overwhelming reading list. Then again, he struggles with holding down hobbies and interests, so who knows what he'll be up to in a month. Since he isn't around the high school often, it's unlikely to see much of him. However, if you're determined to meet him, try searching for him at the thousands of lakes, rivers and beaches throughout Washington. You might get lucky. If you have anything insightful worth sharing, you can contact him at 2026chenjia@wenatchee