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A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

Stephanie Vinueza

Stephanie Vinueza, Staff Reporter

Stephanie Vinueza, a senior at Wenatchee High School, recently joined to The Apple leaf staff for second semester to work in different areas of the newspaper. Stephanie is an exchange student from Ecuador and she has been amazed with the talent and enthusiasm of The Apple Leaf staff. She is willing to work hard and with joy.

Stephanie was inspired to apply for The Apple Leaf by all the activities that she did in Mr. Riggs’ journalism class. She finds it interesting to write about different topics from the student point of view. Additionally, being an exchange student has given her the chance to be ready to take advantage of great opportunities to learn about American culture through the newspaper.

In addition to The Apple Leaf, Stephanie loves attending to Diversity Club, Interact Club, and Art club. She thinks the different ways that WHS students can get involved at school is great, and she wants to be part of everything she can during her exchange year.

Stephanie likes to take pictures of random things that she finds interesting. She also likes to write and read almost everything. Stephanie practices tennis and likes to walk the loop at Walla Walla Park. So far, her favorite place in Wenatchee is Pybus Market.

Stephanie has found a passion in journalism. Writing for The Apple Leaf will help improve her English skills.

Stephanie can be contacted by email:

All content by Stephanie Vinueza