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A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

A forum for student expression since 1916

The Apple Leaf

Storrie Skalisky

Storrie Skalisky, News Editor

Storrie Skalisky is one of two News Editors on The Apple Leaf. Returning as a second year staff member, he is totally stoked to widen students perspective by bringing world and community news to their attention.

When Storrie’s not staring at a computer screen, ripping his hair out because he can’t figure out how to use InDesign (The Apple Leaf design program), he is usually found wandering around with his camera, taking pictures of whatever he finds visually pleasing. This year Storrie will be the president of Earth Club, run cross country, be a part time sandwich “chef”, and work on building his photography business.

It was an obvious choice for Storrie to join the Apple Leaf because journalism embodies his two favorite things: writing and photography. He loves the emotions that a single photo or story can bring out from people, whether it’s laughter or tears. Being only a sophomore, Storrie hasn’t given much thought on what exactly he wants to do after high school. As of now, he is leaning towards going to college to become a journalist/photojournalist and work for some sort magazine along the lines of National Geographic.

Storrie can be contacted by email:

All content by Storrie Skalisky