Trump talk: Do we really need a bigot in office?


Online Editor Chris Danko

We live in an era of fear. Fear of terrorism, fear of government, fear of the police. Sometimes fear is a healthy thing, but the powers of social media have allowed certain political figures to cloud our judgment to further their careers.

Donald Trump is suggesting that Muslim citizens in the United States should be forced to wear armbands that identify them as Muslim. This is a method that is very similar to how Jewish citizens were forced to yellow Stars of David for identification. Admittedly, Trump’s suggestion of deporting illegal immigrants is favorable to outright murdering them, but it’s still disgusting to think that people are actually agreeing with this sociopath to follow in the footsteps of one of the most universally hated people in history.  

As many people are consumed with fear in this dark time, the Trump campaign is becoming more and more viable. He is preying on our terror and our prejudice. With him in the Oval Office, we could very well see another Holocaust. We need to learn to overcome our fear and fight those who would stand in the way of peace and prosperity for all, not just for the white and American. What we are witnessing is a standstill. People are paralyzed with inaction, opting instead to create Facebook post after Facebook post while accomplishing absolutely nothing, and it needs to stop.

We are so fixated on our terror that we ignore the most obvious solutions that are right in front of us. Namely, Bernie Sanders. Many people like to cry communist and chew at the socialist chink in his armor, but think about it. Is spending $31 more per taxpayer as laid out in President Obama’s proposed plan every year really such a large sacrifice to create a free college system? We could see a more educated, empathic America or we could see a dark America that shuts out ethnic groups from our country and forgets everything that our forefathers stood and fought for.

Take action. Stop waiting around for the world to change, and change it yourself. Otherwise, you might find yourself with a bigoted, hateful monster as your president, and that’s not good for anyone.