Weekly Lists: Things to do on a snow day

Abby Wilt, Staff Reporter

With lots of snow predicted in the next couple of weeks, there is always a possibility that school gets canceled. Although at first this sounds nice, a snow day can quickly turn into a day of boredom. Here are a few ideas for you to keep yourself occupied on a snow day.


1:   If you can’t drive because the roads are icy, snowshoe to the movies. It is the perfect idea to get your exercise in, and also get some entertainment. You can enjoy the snow falling as well as not stay stuck at your house!If you can’t watch Netflix because the internet goes out, you can get caught up on your homework. You could also take the opportunity to clean out your closet or clean up your room, your parents will be proud of you for this!

2:   If you can’t turn the lights on because the power goes out… you can wrap up in a blanket and drink your cold beverage (imagine that it’s warm because you won’t be able to heat it up if the power is out) and take the opportunity to read a book.

3:   You can use this free time during a snow day to call your grandparents who have been waiting to hear from you or send a letter to your long lost pen pal. Your usual excuse is that you are too busy, but this time you have an entire day to catch up on these things!

4:   A snow day is a perfect day to go outside and have an ideal day playing in the snow, as if you were little again. Pull out your sled from the shelf and go sledding with your neighbors, and help your younger siblings build a snowman. You can then come back inside, make some hot chocolate and watch a nice movie!