Wenatchee cheer secures state berth

Sophia Dillon, Staff Reporter

The Wenatchee High School cheerleaders took second place in their second competition of the year, qualifying for the State competition on Jan. 14 at the Desert Cheer Classic Competition at Hanford High School.

Head cheer coach Dani Schafer-Cloke

The team improved its score by 13 points from the week before, and have one more competition before the State competition on Jan. 28.

Head coach Dani Schafer-Cloke thinks that the team did “really well. This team has worked so incredibly hard, and every single week they add difficulty and complexity. Their first competition, they went out, they threw a really clean routine, just the level of difficulty wasn’t really there. One week later, they went out and threw a really clean routine, again, and improved their score by 13 points, which is a massive amount of improvement.”

The team is looking for ways to improve how they perform on Jan. 28.