Yesenia Perez
In an exclusive interview, this sarcastic, silly senior (who has yet to successfully take care of a pet or break a bone) shares with The Apple Leaf some of her personal experiences, political views, favorite parts of high school, advice for freshmen, and her future plans.
Senior Yesenia Perez poses in the courtyard.
Have you ever broken a bone?
“No, but I want to. I want to get shot in the leg too, just to know what it feels like. Maybe I could go trespassing and just get shot. Either that or break a bone, because if I break a bone, all of my friends, which is like three people, could sign my cast. Just three giant signatures.”
Have you ever had any pets?
“Lemme tell you a little story. So my mom bought this chicken, and it was an amazing chicken. We had it in the backyard and it had a little house. Every day we would feed it and clean up its little place where it lives. I went on a trip one weekend, and when I came back I was like ‘Damn, I’m hungry.’ So my mom had some chicken soup for me and it was really good. Then I went in the backyard and I was like mom, where’s the chicken? And she’s like, ‘It was some good chicken soup, wasn’t it?’ I ate my chicken. The only pet I’ve ever had in my life, and I ate it.”
You’ve never had another pet?
“Well, my sister had a fighting [betta] fish and I kind of took care of it. I’d always wanted a pet so my parents told me that if I could take care of her fish, I might get a pet of my own. So, my family went on a trip in the winter for a few weeks and my dad made me turn off the electricity while we were gone so it wouldn’t be wasted. The house got so damn cold that when we came home, the fish was frozen solid. The whole fishbowl. Bad things happen to my pets when I go on trips.”
Is there one political issue that really matters to you?
“If I could change one thing right now, it would be the abortion laws. That matters so much to me. I don’t think anyone should have to right to take away the life of another person, even if they are a fetus. It’s getting personal; when my mom was pregnant with me, she was like 44 years old. They told her that women her age had a high percentage rate of having kids with downs syndrome. So, my mom being undocumented at the time and living here and then having to go through with the pregnancy, they told her that she may not have enough money to sustain that child if that child is born with Down’s Syndrome. They said that the best option they had for her was to either have an abortion or pull it together by herself if you do it. So that’s my biggest thing, You never know what could have happened or who that person could have been if you just end it there. If my mom would have done that, I wouldn’t have been here. That’s why I take it so personally. That person could be the next Gandhi or something.”
What’s your favorite part of school?
“Um… those Asian bowls that they have at lunch.”
What about people-wise?
“The lunch ladies.”
What is your least favorite part of school?
“Any time that isn’t lunch.”
What is one of your most awkward moments?
“I hate when you’re in the bathroom and someone intentionally looks in the stall and they make eye contact. That has happened to me so many times.”
If you could give freshmen one piece of advice, what would it be?
“[My advice for freshmen would be] to not wear so much makeup. This isn’t Jersey Shore. Oh, and don’t clump. I hate that, when they all clump in the hallway. You need to walk. If you clump you’re going to get punched. By me. I will go out of my way to punch you. That’s bad advice.”
Where do you see yourself in five years?
“Living in my basement, hanging out.”
Ok, but where do you want to be in five years?
“Not in a basement. In five years I see myself in a job, wearing… job clothes. I don’t know.”
What job do you want to have?
“First choice would be anesthesiologist. Second choice would be pediatrician. I want to do something that’s going to help people.”
Have you always wanted to do that?
“No, when I was little I wanted to be a dinosaur. But that’s not real. So then I wanted to be a Power Ranger. The red one.”
What college do you want to go to?
“UW all the way. But I haven’t applied yet. The application process sucks, especially for the pre-med program.”
Do you want to have kids?
“Yeah. Why not? YOLO. But it has to be an even number. If you have one, he’ll grow up not knowing s—. If you have two, then they can be buddies. If you have three, then that’s no good because one gets left out. So it has to be either two of four. Preferably an even number of boy and girls.”