Video encouraging female virtue enforces male dominance


Wenatchee Education Association President Kris Cameron

I attended the pep assembly at Wenatchee High School on Sept. 26. It was great to see Ramon Rivera, Mariachi Huenachi, and Hispanic culture recognized and honored. It was great to see the girls’ varsity sports teams get their moment in the spotlight. Our new Athletic Director Jim Beeson’s comments about getting involved in sports and activities as a way to give back to the community was great. Brent Grothe’s comments about school spirit extending to how we respect and treat ourselves and each other were great. What was not so great was the WHS version of the “Virtue is Beautiful” video that followed those remarks, which demoted girls to second-class citizenship.

Apparently this video originated at a Mormon school and has been repeated at private Christian schools around the country. We are one of the largest public high schools in the state, and female students at our school should not be subjected to this puritanical message of male superiority as part of a school activity. I have no doubt that the participants had good intentions and that the video intended to convey that girls don’t have to dress in certain ways to please boys, but the message it sent was the opposite.

What gives boys the right to pass moral judgment on the way girls dress, or define and control others in any way? Why weren’t girls given equal time to speak to the way boys dress? I totally agree that we all should be modest in our dress and actions, but why sexualize it? The video sent the message that girls should somehow be ashamed of their bodies and dress in a way that is acceptable to their male peers. The way we dress is a form of self-expression, and telling girls that they should dress in ways that are pleasing to boys is backward. This idea taken to the extreme, results in women being publicly flogged for “immodesty” in places like Afghanistan.

The song’s refrain was “your virtue is beautiful.” When that word is directed at girls only, it is typically a code word for “virginity.” It is damaging and unfair to send girls the message that their self-worth is based on their sexuality, especially when their male counterparts are not held to the same standard.

The most insulting lyric the (all white) boys sang and that appeared on the screen was, “a girl with integrity is hard to find these days.” This is absolute nonsense and so insulting to all girls at WHS!

The beginning of the school year has been marred by yet another male suicide, and male on male sexual assault.  The way females dress doesn’t seem to warrant being at the top of the list of what we should be talking about as a school community right now. I believe the girls at WHS deserve an apology from their ASB and its advisor.