Apple Blossom royalty selection process begins
It’s almost that time of the year again — only 10 weeks until the 2015 Apple Blossom pageant. Girls who want to run for royalty will begin that process next week, with the annual mandatory meeting for parents and interested candidates Dec. 9 at the Wenatchee Convention Center. Meetings will be held at noon, 4 p.m., and 6 p.m.

The meeting, called “Apple Blossom 101” by Festival Administrator Darci Waterman, will inform girls and parents of all Apple Blossom requirements and how the selection process works. If girls are thinking about running, they need to go to the meeting in order to run, Waterman said.
In order to run for royalty, girls must have a 2.75 GPA and be a student in the Wenatchee or Eastmont school districts. Home schooled, private schooled, Running Start, or WestSide High School students are eligible too. Waterman said the GPA requirement has been the same for a while, and is a median GPA for potential candidates.
Top 10 royalty candidates will be announced Jan. 14. The Royalty Selection Pageant is scheduled for Feb. 14 in the Wenatchee High School auditorium. The theme of Apple Blossom 2015 is “It’s A Family Tradition.”