Art from the heart
The All-District Arts Festival had no shortage of art pieces and performances on May 18 in the Wenatchee High School gym and commons. The visual arts showing ran at 5:30 p.m. to 8:30, while the concert began at 7 p.m.

The visual arts showing featured about 60 pieces from high school students alone in varying art levels, and also pieces from every elementary and middle school in the district. Some of the pieces will be featured in Visionscape, set for Wednesday in the commons, or will be shown at the Performing Arts Center. Exhibits ranged from sculptures to dresses to culinary ideas.
The concert featured elementary, middle and high school orchestras, bands, mariachis and choirs, and performed many different genres of music.
“Our real goal is to give students an opportunity to share their work with the community, and we make cross-sections to make that happen,” WHS art teacher Russell Rummler said.