ASB Drive-In returns with double feature at dusk

The second annual Drive-In returns tonight. The movies that will be playing are Alice in Wonderland and Divergent. Movies begin at dusk, around 8:30 p.m.

Tickets are $20 per car, and $14 dollars with prom tickets. The parking lot opens at 7 p.m.

Sophomore Alex Sinay-Smith

Drive-In founder and former ASB Vice President Abe Sinay-Smith created this event last year. Sinay-Smith’s sister, sophomore class president Alex Sinay-Smith, takes on the role as the new Drive-In coordinator for this year.

“I’m hoping a lot of people show up, from the community as well as our high school. I want this to be a fun event for students that is different from what we normally do,” Sinay-Smith said.

ASB hopes to raise money, because it’s extremely low on money, since soda machines don’t bring in the revenue they used to. So the ASB is using the Drive-In as a primary fundraiser.

Sinay-Smith started working on the Drive-In last February and has put a lot of time into calling businesses ASB needed to sponsor the event, and scheduling times to discuss payments. They did advertisements such as a radio PSA, flyers on cars and classroom doors, announcements, and ASB Video Coordinator and senior Analise Nelson made a video ad that will be playing during second periods on Friday.

“I’m so glad I got the opportunity to build on Abe’s original idea. It has been a fun experience meeting all these new business people while I’ve put this together,” Sinay-Smith said.

“I’m looking forward to see mass school involvement,” ASB President Luke Carlson said. “It’s rare to have a bunch of kids that get pumped for these types of events.”