Band travel season starts off strong
Senior Madison Kovach prepares to take the field for the preliminary competition at an event in Kennewick on Oct. 5.
The Wenatchee High School Golden Apple Band began their 2013 competition season with a third place finish in the 3A Large Division at the Cavalcade of Bands in Kennewick on Oct. 5. They finished 4th overall at Cavalcade with a score of 73.42. There were 19 other schools competing. The band performed an eight-minute field show, complete with music and marching movements. They will continue to attend competitions on Oct. 12, 19, 26 and Nov. 9.
A new addition to this year’s field show is props. Senior Tanner Collier said, “My favorite part about band this year is the props we use on the field.” The props include three ladders that band and color guard members climb up and down, as well as backdrops that change according to the mood of the music.
To perform at its finest, the band has three-hour rehearsals every Monday and Thursday night during the school year. During the summer, band members attend sectionals to work on music, and a two week band camp before school. All members had to attend band camp, five days a week for eight hours a day. The band learned music and the field routine they perform at competitions at band camp.
The Jazz and Wind Ensembles are preparing for their first concert on Oct. 16 at 7 p.m.