CTE students recognized for success

Brenda Castaneda and Ethan Toth, both Wenatchee High School seniors, were two of only 18 students in Washington State to win the CTE Student Success Award.

Senior Ethan Toth

After being nominated by their teachers, the State CTE Department evaluated their academic rigor, creativity, and innovation.

“I really appreciate it because it’s a way to recognize students for the hard work that they put in,” Castaneda said. “Sports Med has been one of my favorite classes since I started taking it, so it’s just really cool that I get this recognition for all this hard work that I put into the class.”

After learning that they had been selected for this award, the pair were informed that they would be nominated for the U.S. Presidential Scholars Award, a nationally acknowledged recognition. If a student wins this award, they go on to Washington, D.C., to accept their medallion at the White House.

Senior Brenda Castaneda

When asked about what it takes to win these awards, Castaneda said that it takes hard work and dedication.

“I think for any big award or recognition they look for students who completely dedicate themselves to their work and are just really passionate about the subject,” Castaneda said. “I’m extremely passionate about Sports Med and I just love the class so much and the subject and all that we do, so I think it’s easy to recognize when students are doing something that they love and are working hard at something that they love.”