Former journalism student awarded honor

2015 graduate and Apple Leaf online editor Bryce Newberry received second place for the National Scholastic Press Association news Story of the Year for his story, “Bus trip assault chaos caught on video.”

The award was announced last weekend at the NSPA national convention in Orlando. 

WHS graduate Bryce Newberry

Holly Thorpe, former Managing Features editor for The Apple Leaf, took first place for Story of the Year in 2012.

“It was such a tough story for the school and the community, so obviously it was a tough story for any reporter to have to cover and talk to people about,” Newberry said. “There were a lot of challenges. People were reluctant to talk about it in the first place, secondly it was a school … paper and that topic wasn’t necessarily in the best interest of the school district.”

The Apple Leaf received its plaque for being named national Pacemaker finalist. The Apple Leaf won Pacemakers in 2013-2014. The award is for overall excellence in newspaper journalism.