Ladies in waiting

Five WHS seniors were chosen by their peers and a panel of judges to go on to compete for Apple Blossom royalty at the pageant on Feb. 8

Senior royalty candidate Lupe Martinez is congratulated at the Top 10 announcement night.

Question and answer with the Wenatchee High School Top 10 Apple Blossom candidates.

1. If you could be any Disney Princess, which would you be and why?


Gabe Mercer: “Probably Ariel because then I could breathe underwater.”

Caroline Dahl: “I would be Pocahontas because she just gets to run around in the forest in some cool Indian outfits and she has really pretty long hair and she has a lot of animal friends.”

Roslyn Thompson: “I would be princess Belle because she kind of comes from nothing and becomes a princess, she wasn’t just born a princess and she gets to turn a beast into a really handsome prince.”

Nikara Morgan: “I would be The Little Mermaid, because not only is she a princess, but she’s also a magical creature and she has red hair and I just love the ocean.”

Lupe Martinez: “Ariel because it’s so cool how she lives underwater and also because she likes to try new things and adventures.”


2. Why are you running for Apple Blossom?


Mercer: “I’m running because I think I’d be a good representative for our community. I think that even though Wenatchee is small, we have a lot to offer that a lot of times people don’t know about. So I think I’d be a good choice to be able to go out and represent our community and everything we have to offer.”

Dahl: “Ever since I was a little girl I always looked up to the Apple Blossom royalty and I just thought they were so wise and I just thought it would be a good experience and that I would learn a lot from it.”

Thompson: “I grew up in Wenatchee so it was always kind of something that my mom and my grandma were like, ‘Of course you’re going to run for Apple Blossom.’ So when the meeting finally happened, I just got really excited about it and I thought it would be a really cool way to be really involved with my community.”

Morgan: “Having grown up in Wenatchee my whole life, I’ve always idolized the royalty and I just think it’s an awesome way to be a stronger part of the community and I love Apple Blossom.”

Martinez: “I am running for Apple Blossom because I want to show all those people and shy girls that are afraid to try something new, that they can do anything they set their mind to.”


3. If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and you could only bring three things what would they be?

Mercer: “ If I was going to be realistic I’d want food, water and shelter. [But if I had those things] I’d probably bring one of my friends, my ukulele, and probably ice cream.”

Dahl: “Probably a good book so I wouldn’t get bored, scuba diving stuff so I could go scuba diving off the coast, and a friend.”

Thompson: “First, I would probably bring my best friend because she could keep me company, I would probably bring a bed or something to lay in, like a hammock that’s really comfy, and I would probably bring a camera so I could take pictures.”

Morgan: “ I’d probably bring my Kindle and lip gloss or chapstick, and my best friend because she keeps me entertained.”

Martinez: “I would probably take water, my phone and a blanket.


4. What’s something you’re passionate about and why?

Mercer: “I’m passionate about journalism because I’ve always wanted to be a sportscaster.  I think it’s cool to be able to deliver news and stuff like that to people because you’re able to be a part of the action. I feel like sports really bring people together.”

Dahl: “I’m passionate about scuba diving because it’s one of my favorite things to do because it just takes away the stress of my life and it’s just really peaceful. I’m [also] passionate about soccer because I’ve played it for 11 years and it was a big part of my life and I just love playing it.”

Thompson: “I’m really passionate about music and the way that it affects people and the way that it is such an expression of what people feel really deeply.”

Morgan: “I’m really passionate about DECA because I’ve learned a lot about business and I feel like it’s helped form me into the person I want to be. It requires working hard and it’s definitely a challenging club to be a part of.”

Martinez: “I am passionate about dancing. I love to dance because on every song I have the opportunity be be whoever I want to be. [ I can be] silly or serious.”


5. What’s your dream vacation?

Mercer: “ My dream vacation would probably be to somewhere in Greece because I think the architecture is really cool and I’ve always wanted to go there.”

Dahl: “Somewhere tropical like Hawaii or the Caribbean where I can just relax on the beach every day and go swimming in the ocean where it’s really hot and beautiful.”

Thompson: “Going to Australia to spend a couple weeks on the beach just enjoying the cities and the sights and the amazingness that it has to offer.”

Morgan: “My dream vacation would be to go to Greece because I love the ocean and I think it’s really beautiful there. I also think Greek mythology and history is really cool.”

Martinez: “My dream vacation is Paris with my family because I think it’s beautiful.”


6. What was your most embarrassing moment?

Mercer: “When we had one of the ceremony nights, it was like the night before the speeches, we all had to go out and shake hands with some of the judges and some of the Applearians. I was shaking this one woman’s hand and she asked me what my name was and I was like ‘It’s Gabe’ and she’s like ‘Oh Dabe? That’s really interesting, it’s really nice to meet you’ and before I could correct her I was kind of pushed out of the way because we had to go really fast and it was really embarrassing because no one ever knows what my name actually is.”

Dahl: “I was at Slidewaters once and I was on Thunder Rapids. I was on the tube and stuck in that little section where you always get stuck. There was this really cute life guard helping people get out of the section to finish the rest of the ride and he gave me this pole to grab and I tried to grab it but then it like touched my swimsuit and my whole top fell off and I was so embarrassed and I just wanted to hide under water.”

Thompson: “When I was a freshman, like the first week of school I was walking up the stairs and I actually fell going up the stairs, I tripped and fell on my face. A bunch of people just stared at me and I was a freshman so I was already nervous, but yeah that was very embarrassing.”

Morgan: “One time I bought these new leggings and they were like a knit material. I was wearing them under a longer top, but I didn’t realize they were see through until I got to school and bent over and realized that they stretched and you could completely see my butt.”

Martinez: “I arrived at school on a half day, not knowing it was a half day. I went to class and there was no one there and my teacher told me I wasn’t supposed to be there until like 12. That was embarrassing.”