Launch Pad offers students bible study during school day

Starting Jan. 27 for second semester, students will have the opportunity to join Launch Pad, a Released Time Bible study class during third period at the Church of Nazarene, located across from the high school.

The class is not through the high school and doesn’t provide high school credit. In order to participate, students must have parent permission and will be given a gap in their schedule during third period. For a $115 fee, students can choose to earn college credit.

In 1952, the Supreme Court ruled that the United States Constitution protects the rights of parents to direct the religious education of their children and set aside time to learn about the religion, allowing them to be released from school for this purpose.

When asked if there was any opposition to the program, Dean of Students Mike Franza said, “It’s the law, they can do it, in fact we’ve been doing it for years,” referring to the seminary class that operates in a similar way for Mormon students.

Churches and para-church organizations have come together to create this interdenominational class. It is taught by a group of pastors, youth pastors, and youth leaders in the area.

“I think it will have a wonderful impact on the school,” project director Sara Moody said. “We want it all to be a positive experience for everybody, and we really believe it is going to help in a really positive way to improve the culture and success of students.”

According to the Released Time Wenatchee website, Launch Ministries vision is “to launch the next generation into their world — fully grounded in God’s truth, fully equipped with biblical worldview and fully on fire for God and His purposes.”

Students can register for the class by going online to, but they will need to talk to their counselor to have their third period altered.