Senior Kutter Wilkins, junior Eli Granger, junior Zac Hurt, and senior Luke Worley arm the trebuchet.
Shop class launches pumpkins 75 yards with trebuchet
November 3, 2016
The Wenatchee High School shop class built an eight-foot tall trebuchet and fired it last Friday. They are now in the process of building another trebuchet, both of which will be given to Annie’s Fun Farm in East Wenatchee.

The trebuchets’ purpose was to launch pumpkins and were requested to be built by Annie’s Fun Farm, who donated $500 per trebuchet to build them. When finished, the trebuchets are expected to throw a projectile about the length of a football field by using a pull system with up to 450 pounds at the end.
“It was one of those projects where there is zero motivation coming from the teacher,” engineering teacher Doug Merrill said. “All I did was give them a project and tell them: ‘I want you to make a device that launches pumpkins and I need it to look like a trebuchet.’ They did all of the research and building themselves.”
The finished trebuchet was able to launch a pumpkin 75 yards at Friday’s launch and was already shipped to Annie’s.
“I think the best part of making this is seeing us all come together to work as a team,” senior Grant Carroll said.
The unfinished trebuchet is expected to be completed within the week, and will be sent off after being tested by the class.