Veteran basketball coach let go
After 30 years of coaching in the Wenatchee School District, girls varsity basketball coach Robin Kansky was recently let go from his coaching position here at Wenatchee High School.
The decision was made final by Principal Eric Anderson and Athletic Director Jim Beeson. Both said the reasoning behind the decision was to move in a new direction. “Mr. Anderson and I evaluate our athletic programs on a regular basis and the two of us decided to go in a different direction for the girls basketball program. It wasn’t based off of complaints of any kind from students or parents. It was a hard decision to make,” Beeson said.

Beeson described the “new direction” and the kind of coach they will be looking for as somebody who is good for the kids and who has a strong background in basketball.
“It’s difficult to find good coaches these days because it is such a commitment and there is a lot of outside pressure from parents,” Beeson said.
There was no reasoning besides the “going in a new direction” for the decision to remove Kansky from his coaching position. Coaches are hired on year-to-year contracts.
“Our contract is such that at the end of the year they can let any coach go without any due process or just cause or due process. But if they discipline you they have to have just cause mor due process. It’s crazy, it’s hard to understand,” Kansky said.
Kansky is saddened and disappointed by the decision that was made, but is understanding, saying, “I’m just thankful I got to coach for 30 years with the district, I’m thankful for all of the kids I’ve gotten to coach, and I’m thankful for the supportive parents.”
Even though Kansky will not be coming back as a basketball coach, he will remain teaching health and fitness as usual. “I don’t mind still teaching here. I like what I’m doing teaching PE and health, it’s not an issue with the kids at all. It’s hard to see my kids now and know I’m not able to work with them anymore, but I’ll make the best,” Kansky said.
The love Kansky has for coaching remains, he is thinking of taking the year off from coaching anywhere and then going from there.
“I’m definitely still interested in coaching, but would probably go back to coaching boys. I started coaching girls mainly for my daughter but now that she’s gone I’d like to go back,” Kansky said.