Cheer team begins tryouts; starts a new tradition
WHS cheerleaders practice in the commons for the homecoming assembly. This is the first year WHS will send a cheer squad to compete competively against other squads in Washington state.
The Wenatchee High School cheer squad is bringing its talent and positive energy to a new arena starting this fall. However, this time, instead of leading the student section in lively chants or furious rollercoaster rides, they’ll try to win over judges with an array of tumbling, dancing and stunting, pitted against opposing squads from all over Washington. Tryouts will be held on Oct. 9-11 and 14-17.
Competitive cheer introduces a whole new aspect into the sideline cheerleading students are so familiar with. It’s more than just glitter and uncannily high leg kicks. According to Coach Lisa Blair, girls and boys committed to competitive cheerleading will be dedicating themselves to 8-10 hours a week of arduous practices, as well as additional workouts in weight rooms and tumbling facilities.
Blair said that all this effort is well worth it in the end. She has very high hopes for the squad, saying, “I expect wonderful things from this year’s cheerleaders… Their genuine desire is to create spirit within the student body and encourage everyone to take an active role in the school.”
Senior captain Tara Heuple was hesitant to speak on how she foresees the team faring this year – being that this will be the first time any of them have cheered in a competitive setting before – but as she put it, “I think that from what we’re getting, a lot of people are interested in this, and hopefully we get a good turnout and do the best that we can.”
With a superb work ethic, talented athletes and an enthusiastic morale, the new competitive cheer team has all the necessary ingredients for success. Heuple said she is “excited to see how competition goes, and hopefully it will carry on through many more years in the high school.”
SharKeisha • May 31, 2014 at 10:03 pm
Are there going to be any cheer clinics or camps this summer? If so, when?
SharKeisha • Nov 4, 2014 at 12:48 am
You never answered my question
Bryce Newberry • Nov 5, 2014 at 11:12 am
This is a great question for the WHS Cheer coach, Danielle Schafer-Cloke.