Debate sends two to Nationals
Freshman Vivian Noyd and junior Wallace O’Donnell perform their Public Forum event at the state qualifier tournament at Wenatchee High School on Feb. 21. The duo earned third in the event.
Juniors Ashley Techavimol and Kiana Wilson qualified for the National Speech and Debate tournament at National Qualifiers on March 1 at University High school.
Wilson placed first in Dramatic Interpretation and Techavimol placed second in Oratory during National Qualifiers on March 1 at WHS. Freshman Vivian Noyd is a second alternate in Domestic Extemporaneous Speech. Nationals is to be held this June in Overland Park, Kansas.
Four students also claimed district champs at the state qualifier tournament hosted at Wenatchee High School on February 21, leading the team to a second place overall finish. Nine of the ten WHS competitors qualified for state, which will be on March 14-15 and 21-22 at the University of Puget Sound.
Wilson placed first in Dramatic Interpretation, sophomore Abby Davison placed first in Humorous Interpretation, and partners junior Josey Meats and junior Jackson Powell also took first in Public Forum Debate. Wilson also took third in Interpretive Reading and Davison went on to place fourth in Dramatic Interpretation and sixth in Congressional Debate.
Other state bound students are: Junior Wallace O’Donnell (second in Extemporaneous Speaking and fourth in Impromptu Speaking), junior Serena Fitzgerald (fourth in Oratory), Meats (fifth in Impromptu Speaking), Noyd(fifth in Extemporaneous Speaking), sophomore Arturo Diaz (seventh in Extemporaneous Speaking), and sophomore Brooke Gladsjo (ninth in Expository Speech).
Partners Fitzgerald and Techavimol took fourth place in Dual Interpretation. Noyd and O’Donnell placed third in Public Forum Debate.
“The success we’ve seen all season is a product of the student’s hard work and the leadership provided by our three captains: Abby Davison, Arturo Diaz and Serena Fitzgerald,” said speech and debate head coach Dave Carlson. “The team worked hard this season and had fantastic results. We hope to have our multiple qualifiers to state and nationals represent the school and city of Wenatchee with pride.”