Dress to impress or clothe for comfort?


Staff Reporter Jessica Murray

For most, the school halls are a place to show off your fashion with confidence, while for others, high school is not the place to be a “fashionista” or draw attention towards yourself by dressing up.

There are certainly varying senses of style wandering around Wenatchee High School, some questionable but definitely unique. Personally, I believe there is nothing wrong with showing off your style, however, you should not feel the need to be fancy or dress up to get attention from others and feel accepted. In reality, what you wear in high school does not matter. The only purpose that dressing up should serve is for you to feel good about yourself. If you are most comfortable in jeans and a T-shirt, then by all means rock that outfit to its fullest potential.

Wearing a sweatshirt or sweats every day does not make you a “slob” or “not presentable.” Just like wearing a dress or a dressy button up top does not make you a “try hard” or “stuck up.” If you come to terms with the fact that there are people out there who will judge you no matter what, you can be content knowing that your style choice for the day does not reflect upon how much others like you.