Mariachi performs for Inslee

On Feb. 26, the Wenatchee High School Mariachi Huenachi performed at the state capitol for the second time. Gov. Jay Inslee called them there to watch him sign the Dream Act into legislation.

“It’s really an honor to be part of history,” sophomore Kaylin Ochs said. “We played in the capitol a week before… and [Inslee] really likes our group so he asked us to play for the signing. He’s so funny, he’s such a goofball.”

The Dream Act helps undocumented students, usually brought to the United States as children, receive state financial aid. Undocumented students may attend higher education at the in-state tuition rate, but have not been eligible for monetary assistance. The Dream Act gives them the opportunity of state financial assistance. California, Illinois, Texas and New Mexico all have similar laws.

The measure passed the House on Tuesday with a 75-22 bipartisan vote.

“It’s a big deal, because now a lot of students have the option to go to college,” said Mariachi Director Ramon Rivera. Rivera was “honored” by Inslee’s selection.

“Of all the mariachi groups in the whole state, he called us. It’s such a huge honor,” Rivera said.