New ASB officers aim for change
Junior Luke Carlson delivers his final election speech for ASB president on April 15 in the auditorium. Carlson will take office in 2014-15 after receiving over 100 more votes than his opponent, junior Daniel Arndt.
Juniors Luke Carlson, Josey Meats, and Jackson Powell sat in the ASB room on April 16 with the other candidates to hear the results of the 2014-15 ASB officer election. Sophomore Sean Kelley was scrolling through his Twitter feed while at an orthodontist appointment, and that is where he discovered what the other candidates heard at school.
He had won the election for secretary, along with the rest of the excited new cabinet, president Carlson, vice president Meats, and treasurer Powell.
“Going into the ASB room, I was pretty nervous, I’m not going to lie,” Powell said. “After I found out I won there was a weight that was lifted off my shoulders. I was relieved, and I was excited.”
“It was a surreal feeling. It felt pretty awesome but it didn’t set in for the longest time,” said Carlson.
Carlson won over junior Daniel Arndt 353-227, Meats won over junior Matt Murray 297-277, Kelley won over junior Ana Nelson 309-267, and Powell won over sophomore Keyla Sanchez 474-104.
Kelley commends all the candidates for their efforts in the the election.
“It’s so scary, honestly, being in front of all those people. You’re really vulnerable and a lot of people don’t feel comfortable with doing that and that’s impressive,” Kelley said. “It’s cool to me that people have the courage to do that.”
This year’s officers plan to make some changes.
“ASB last year was very cliquey and not very unified, which is super hypocritical because the whole school is supposed to be unified through ASB,” Carlson said. “That’s not going to happen this year. I’m not going to let that happen. We are going to be unified.”
The cabinet is already making plans for next year.
“I want to meet with the other cabinet members and figure out what our main goals are for next year,” Kelley said. “I feel like if you don’t establish goals then you don’t have a place to start. You have to have a goal you want to work towards.”
Meats has an interesting first order of business to fill as vice president.
“I told a bunch of students that if I won, then at the end-of-the-year assembly I would eat a live goldfish, so I’m going to stick to my promise and be a man of my word and actually do it.”
Students seem optimistic about the group that has been elected. “They are focused on what they want to do,” senior Isabel Valentine said.
“I think that all the candidates were good people, and I think all the people that won deserved it,” freshman Maddie Smith said.