Seniors and staff react to graduation move
2014 graduation file photo, held at the Apple Bowl. Construction will move 2015 graduation to the Town Toyota Center.
The sun beating down shines off the folding chairs spread out on the football field. The sound of the orchestra lingers in the air as the seniors slowly start to march on the field. A sea of purple contrasts sharply with the green grass. On-stage, a beaming senior grabs the paper that culminates their entire high school career, their face illuminated by the flash of a camera.
Sadly, the dream of graduating in the same place as so many before has been shattered for many, like senior Andy Johnson.
“It’s disappointing. My sister graduated there, and I always pictured myself graduating there, too,” Johnson, senior class President, said.
Due to construction and renovation of the seating arrangements at the Apple Bowl in the Spring of 2015, the senior class will not be graduating at their home field. This construction was approved through the bond passed last voting period, and will also include the renovation of Washington Elementary, and the locker rooms at Pioneer Middle School. The renovations in the Apple Bowl are set to start in April 2015. Because of this construction, the senior class of 2015 will be graduating at the Town Toyota Center.
To some, the change may not seem like a big deal, but for the senior class, and longtime teachers at WHS agree this change is a huge break in tradition, and a blow to the senior class’ final event of their high school career.
“I would be sad to see it move, it’s tradition,” WHS librarian Patricia Devereaux said. “It [moving graduation to the Town Toyota Center] was a big deal a couple of years ago, but it was voted down.”
For the senior class, this tradition break is something they feel could have been postponed, so it didn’t land on their graduating year.
“Do that to the freshmen,” senior Matt Terry said. “This is tradition. I want to graduate in the Apple Bowl.”
Many seniors and staff members alike feel that the change is unwanted, but might be necessary due to the construction.
“If it is a decision based on necessity, it has to happen….If there’s any other option, stay in the Apple Bowl,” social studies teacher Jay Young said.
For the senior class, this move feels like yet another burden for them to bear.
“The class of 2015 is being pushed around, like the extra history credits, this is just one more thing….I don’t see why we have to go to the Town Toyota Center,” WHS senior Jordan Ramey said.