Horror movies: just entertainment?


Staff Reporter Jessica Murray

There are many benefits to watching horror movies. For example, while your heart is racing with sweat dripping down your forehead, you are actually burning calories. Not only is watching horror movies a crucial way to stay in shape, but if you pay close enough attention you can learn key survival tips.

Whether you are being attacked by a serial killer or chased by a zombie, there are two options in order to escape being murdered:
a) Hide
b) Play dead
Yes, play dead. Countless times I have witnessed, while entranced by the plot unfolding, people stupidly continue to fight back, as if they have a chance at survival. If someone with the upper hand is senselessly beating you, just give in and they will eventually stop.

Never investigate. I realize in horror movies if there is no investigation then there is no suspense, but do not under any real-life circumstance think that if you hear a sketchy noise you should seek answers. It is beyond idiotic to to put yourself in an even more dangerous situation, so stay calm, remove yourself from the situation, and call 911.

Always watch where you are going and be aware of your surroundings. Do not fall into the cliché that if you are a girl you are unable to successfully outrun a crazy axe murderer. Just simply watch your step (do not trip over a twig) and expect the psychopath to be around any corner.

The next horror movie you treat yourself to learn from the dead’s mistakes and absorb all the beneficial ways to survive.